
On Prospect

I've been absolutely terrible about updating. I shall be making a conscious effort to better keep up in the future.

This is a picture I took the other morning while driving to work (naughty). This was the first time in a couple weeks I've seen the sun during a sunrise (not that I haven't been awake - I have, it's just been depressing and gray out lately) and all the light bouncing off the lake was too good to pass up. It's crooked (and you can tell my car window is covered in salt and other road grossness), but I did take it with one hand over my shoulder in the car. I just like how the yellow of the sun changes so quickly into the blue of the sky, and the trees are silhouetted against both. And I like it better crooked than I think I would if I straightened it out.

[Disclaimer] However, taking pictures in the car is a bad idea if you are the driver. No matter how neat and glowly it might be. [End disclaimer]

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