
You say it's your birthday...

It's my birthday and I had $2 martinis and Baileys. Because I have very nice classmates who put up with pouring rain and an annoying brat who has to go do something on her birthday and doesn't have a boyfriend to fall back on.

Sometimes I think I'm very lucky. Life is good.


Lauren said...

I just came across your blog and wanted to say that I think you have a very unique outlook and fantastic knack for writing. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts...and Happy Birthday!

Amanda Jean said...

happy (belated now) birthday! I love your photography...makes me wish that I could take a decent photo.

thanks for stopping by my blog and for the sweet comments on my red and white quilt :)

Amanda Jean said...

oh, and I *heart* the name of your blog...it made me chuckle. I love clever blog names.